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champions KIDS


The Champions program teaches kids ages 6-12 effective, real life self defense training through Krav Maga, to protect not only themselves, but others. Our top priority is to build confidence and equip our students with the knowledge to identify, de-escalate and deal with combative or predatory scenarios.

The goal of discipline is to train the body, mind and emotions. Students will learn to understand how their body works and moves and ultimately gain both control and power in their techniques. The key is repetition and listening to instruction. Mentally, students will learn to recognize different threats and situations by increasing their situational awareness and deduction skills. Active participation in drills and mat chats will help accomplish these goals. Most importantly, students will be given the opportunity to grow emotionally by addressing their attitudes and are encouraged to have a "can-do" attitude. Champions are overcomers despite the challenges.





Beginning students are in this level. They learn palm strikes, elbows, kicks and more, plus specific techniques for defending both playground attacks and more serious ones. They overcome their fear of being in a potentially violent situation, so they can think clearly, and defend themselves. We also have character focuses, and speak about the dangers of self defense as well, so they are very careful with their newfound skills.


After Champions Defenders learn the basic techniques and pass their test, they become Warriors! Students learn more advanced techniques, and also begin to spar, while learning sportsmanship and control. The focus on character, as well as our four standards of respect, discipline, safety and encouragement, continues through all levels.



Our uniform is very simple: Champions T-shirt (provided with enrollment) and shorts or workout pants. Kids train barefoot and no gear is required until they reach Warriors. 




5:00-6:00pm - Champions Mixed Level (Defenders & Warriors)

12:15-1:15pm - Champions Mixed Level (Defenders & Warriors)




We encourage kids to start with our trial membership, so they can try out some classes and see how they like it. Our Champions Intro Special is 5 classes and a t-shirt for $55. If they decide to continue, we have memberships with and without contracts. We have family discounts available, and often have sign-up specials as well.